Each gene has a different dynamic-range of its expression

Gene Expression Commons provides dynamic-range of each gene by meta analysis of thousands of microarray data. By mapping your data onto it, you can profile absolute expression of any gene on the microarray.

Goodbye, profiling relative difference of gene expression in pari-wise comparison.

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641 cell types

Many cell types including Weissman Lab mouse hematopoiesis series and ImmGen series are publicly available. Recent additions are...

Barres young adult astrocytes d1 post 1h transient ischemia with reperfusion 5 months ago
Barres young adult astrocytes d7 post 1h transient ischemia with reperfusion 5 months ago
Barres young adult quiescent astrocytes d1 post sham stroke 5 months ago
Activated SVZ NSCs (GFAP+/CD133+/EGFR+) - (1 of 3 omitted) 5 months ago
Quiescent SVZ NSCs (GFAP+/CD133+/EGFR-) 5 months ago
Barres young adult quiescent astrocytes d1 post 5mg/kg injection 5 months ago

45 models

A model represents biological relationship of cell types. Recent additions to publicly available models are...

Mouse CNS, neurogenesis, development, inflammation and glioma 97 cell types
HSC and Progenitors 14 cell types
Human NSAID Paper 11 cell types
Mouse NSAID Paper 8 cell types
Vessel forming mesenchymal stromal cell populations public 6 cell types
Simplified Mouse Hematopoiesis 13 cell types

Open Platform

You can submit your private cell type by upload your microarray data, design your model, and share private data with your collaborators. Please open the data to public when your project will be published.

Accelerate Discovery with Confidence

Gene Expression Commons has been used/cited in publications such as...

Hope Gene Expression Commons will accelerate your project, too.